〈世界人権宣言を読んでみたZINE/Zine about reading the Universal Declaration of Human Rights〉

Published on 2024. 12. 20.
※Sales are currently limited to exhibitions and events.





A zine that presents the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) in a map-like format, grouped by content for easy at-a-glance reference.

When he created “Weaving the voice/story of Mary, whom we met by chance,” his research on family law and family registration law led him to believe that the issues raised there were related to human rights.

There is also a tendency to view the term “human rights” as “unfamiliar,” “not relevant to me,” or “a luxury,” and to exclude respect for human rights, especially of minorities, as “special treatment.”

This zine was created to reacquaint ourselves with the meaning and intent of human rights. (Written in Japanese)