どんなプロジェクト?/What project?
A long-term project launched with the goal of increasing the number of genres and the total number of works featuring transgender men.
Miyabi, himself a transgender man, planned this project to draw and publish manga featuring transgender men in a variety of genres and characters, and to create an environment where sexual minorities appear as a natural part of the story.
何故このプロジェクトが必要?/Why is this project needed?
- 「マイノリティは隠れた存在である(べき)」という無意識の認識の広がり
- 自分の生き方を形成する選択肢の幅の狭まり
There are few works in which minorities are the main characters, and even when they are, they have long been portrayed with stereotypes and prejudices. Or even those that are sincere and well researched, many are portrayed as good, elite or genius more than necessary due to the small number of works and the concern of the production team not to inconvenience the people involved in reality.
In other words, by being a minority in the real world, there are fewer works of fiction. This leads to a powerful cycle of narrowing the characterization of minority characters and narrowing the genres in which they appear.
The parties will have far fewer opportunities to casually experience “the work as their own thing,” including “what they like and dislike,” as the majority does.
By the above,
- expanding the unconscious perception that minorities are (or should be) hidden
- The narrowing of the range of options for shaping one’s own way of life.
I believe this is happening.
That is why I felt the need for this project to try to break through that.
Expanding our range is fun!
現在出ているZINE/Currently available ZINE
つぎの停泊所まで/Till the Next Stop

Published on 2024. 10. 11.
“Let’s go eat something good.”
The story is about the main character, Masato, who is heartbroken and is invited by his online friend, Akiyama, to go to Enoshima with him.
We talk a lot online but have never met. I would like to be your friend. (Written in Japanese)