個展「プラセボ」(新宿眼科画廊・スペースE、東京、2024)での展示/ the photo at the solo exhibition “placebo”(Shinjuku Ophthalmologist(Ganka) Gallery, Tokyo, 2024)、The first and second photos are from natsuko miyashita
The installation was composed based on the practice of “Make a placebo and take it for 100 days.”
Video, audio, notebook, sink.
In the video and audio, a person uses slides to lecture on how to make a placebo (fake medicine). However, this is not an objective lecture video/audio, but is directed as if it were a subjective event through the insertion of light and the overlapping of sound.
In the narrow, almost square-shaped exhibition space of less than 1.8 meters, in a private room-like atmosphere, wearing headphones, watching the video and reading the notebook.
Hormone therapy is one of the medical treatments used by transgender people. It is up to the individual to choose or not to choose, and if it is necessary for him or her, it is necessary medical care. At the same time, this does not mean that hormone therapy alone will solve everything. People live their lives not only because they are uncomfortable with their gender, but also because they are human beings facing many other events.
Coat your serious problems and discomforts with a light, exciting magic, and you gain a way to exist in the world.
This work was intended to be something that could be repeated not only in the exhibition space, but also as a personal experience for the viewer after returning to his or her room or in bed.