〈漂流と螺旋/Drift and Spiral〉

展示「ふなつきば -証明と創造-」にて(本屋lighthouse幕張支店、千葉、2024)/the photos at the exhibition “Harbor –Proving and Creating–”(本屋-bookstore- lighthouse Makuhari branch, Chiba, 2024)





Video about words and letters.

It consists of footage shot on the site of a former U.S. military airfield, animation, whispers, hums, sounds of life, subtitles of someone’s narration to someone else, and subtitles of soliloquies.

The range of words spoken by minorities is picked up only where they overlap with the words of the majority in the Venn diagram. Or even the words in those overlapping areas are often shifted in meaning, what they say is changed, and they are left behind. If we want to express the parts of the Venn diagram that do not overlap in the first place, the word may not exist, or if it does exist, it may be hard to find, or we may not see this need as a “need” that we have and silence ourselves as “something out of the ordinary.”

This work is about how to find words out of this situation.