About, Bio, CV

Miyabi Starrは、クィアやトランスジェンダーの身体感覚をベースに、映像・漫画・パフォーマンスなど、様々な手法で表現をするアーティストです。

Miyabi Starr is an artist who uses various methods of expression, including video, manga, and performance, based on queer and transgender body sensibilities.
(In this website, English is always written after the Japanese language.)


このサイトでは、Miyabi Starrの作品・活動を、時系列順に掲載しています。


This website lists the works and activities of Miyabi Starr in the order of production.

You can also search by media/theme using tags.

アクリル絵の具/acrilic painting アニメーション/animation インスタレーション/installation art クィアの見方・実践/queering サウンドアート/sound art デジタル画/digital art トランスジェンダー/transgender ドローイング/drawing パフォーマンス/performance マイノリティ/minority 主観/subjectivity 切り絵/cutouts 変容/transforming 映像/video art 油絵/oil painting 言葉・身体感覚/words and body sensations 鏡/mirror


アート作家。クィアスタディーズやトランススタディーズをベースに漫画、映像、音声、パフォーマンスなど様々なメディアを扱い、自身の活動をpractices for survivalと名付け、作品を制作する。







Miyabi Starr is an artist based in Tokyo. He creates works in a variety of media, including manga, video, sound, and performance. His work is based on queer and trans studies. He named his activities “practices for survival.“

Born in the Tama district of Tokyo. Miyabi grew up in Suzhou, China from age 1 to 6, attending foreign kindergartens and international schools. In an environment where many languages and cultures intermingle, learning about the Chinese classics, where the school is located, and researching and presenting on the countries and regions of their roots, broadened Miyabi’s view of the world and greatly influenced his later works.

After graduating from university, he became open about his transgender identity and began working as an artist.

Miyabi’s creations, exhibitions and events are based on documentation and research of queer and/or transgender lives, practices and theories, history of discriminated status, constitutional and civil law, and more.

In addition, he also runs a website introducing LGBTQ+ information and related art (closed in 2023), publishes a queer art zine “Pulapula-Zine(ぷらプラ)” and a manga zine series titled Transgender Male Protagonist Project from 2024, and continues to create for sexual minority people to discover “information and artwork for themselves” in their own rooms.

Seeking to explore the connection between contemporary art and making life easier for LGBTQ+ and sexual minority people or those around them.



2024 美学校 修了/completion, Bigakko
2019 東京藝術大学音楽学部器楽科 卒業/BA in Music, Tokyo University of the Arts

Solo Exhibitions

2024 プラセボ(新宿眼科画廊、東京)/placebo(Shinjuku Ophthalmologist(Ganka) Gallery, Tokyo)
2023 オッド・オズを待ってるぜ(bluedress渋谷店、東京)/I’m waiting for you, ODD OZ(bluedress shibuya store, Tokyo)
2023 蔓・ねじ・カノン(L’arte、東京)/tendril, screw, canon(L’arte, Tokyo)
2022 circle(新宿眼科画廊、東京)/circle(Shinjuku Ophthalmologist(Ganka) Gallery, Tokyo)
2022 あなたは誰?-鏡面-(ギャラリー懐美館、東京)/Who are you? -mirrored surface-(Gallery Natumikan, Tokyo)
2022 実在の証明?(gallery子の星、東京)/Proof of existence?(gallery Nenohoshi, Tokyo)

Group Exhibitions

2024 【家族】についてのプラクティス(美学校スタジオ、東京)/Practices on【family】(Bigakko Studio, Tokyo)
2023 美学校・現代アートの勝手口修了展(美学校・PARA・酔仙、東京)/graduation exhibition of a contemporary art course at Bigakko(Bigakko, PARA, SUISEN, Tokyo)
2023 美学校・境界芸術への旅修了展(美学校、東京)/graduation exhibition of a boundary art course at Bigakko(Bigakko, Tokyo)
2023 アートフェア東京(東京国際フォーラム、東京)/Art Fair Tokyo(Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo)
2022 アートフェアアジア福岡(ホテルオークラ福岡、福岡)/Art Fair Asia Fukuoka(Hotel Okura Fukuoka, Fukuoka)


2024 DPPT: WS vol.5 Performance by Miyabi Starr《nesting on the stage》(PARA, Tokyo)


2024 ヘクセンハウスギャザリング-お菓子の家に集合-(山岸薬局ビルヂング & if you、石川)/HEXENHAUS GATHERING –Meet at the House of Sweets–(YAMAGISHI YAKKYOKU BLDG., organized by if you, Ishikawa)
2024 高橋くんフェスにて展示「ふなつきば -証明と創造-」とZINE販売(本屋lighthouse幕張支店、千葉)/Exhibition “Harbor –Proving and Creating–” and ZINE sales at TAKAHASHI-KUN FES(本屋-bookstore- lighthouse Makuhari branch, Chiba)